A Day To Pack Up Your Tea In Style

Packaging Day

Beaufort Scale Day

The Beaufort Wind Scale, named after Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort who devised it in 1805, is a system for estimating wind speeds based on observed conditions at sea or on land. It’s used by sailors, meteorologists, and others to describe and communicate wind conditions.

Harney & Sons

Packaging Design Day

Packaging Design Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the art and science behind packaging. Here are some ways to mark the occasion. Showcase innovative packaging designs from around the world. Share examples of creative and sustainable packaging solutions that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Educational Workshops: Host workshops or webinars to educate people about the principles of effective packaging design. Cover topics such as branding, materials selection, sustainability, and consumer psychology.

Art of Tea - Tea of the Month

Whether you choose to celebrate one of these specific events or simply enjoy the day in your own way, May 7th can be a chance to appreciate the world around you and connect with others:

National Tourism Day: In some countries, May 7th is designated as National Tourism Day, celebrating the importance of tourism and travel in promoting cultural exchange and economic growth. You could mark the day by planning a future trip, exploring local tourist attractions, or learning about different cultures and destinations.

Victory in Europe Day (VE Day): In some countries, May 7th marks the anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. VE Day celebrations often include commemorations, parades, and events honoring veterans and remembering the sacrifices made during the war. You could participate in a local commemorative event or take time to learn about the history of World War II.

Space Day: While the date varies each year, Space Day is often celebrated on the first Friday in May, which sometimes falls on May 7th. Space Day is dedicated to promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and inspiring interest in space exploration. You could celebrate by learning about space missions, stargazing, or participating in space-themed activities.

Music Festivals and Concerts: May is often a popular month for music festivals and concerts around the world. Check to see if there are any live performances or music events happening in your area on May 7th and enjoy a day filled with music and entertainment.

Outdoor Activities: With spring in full swing (in the Northern Hemisphere), May 7th can be a great time to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, picnicking, or simply spending time in nature. Take advantage of the pleasant weather and soak up the beauty of the season.

Cultural Festivals and Events: Depending on your location, there may be cultural festivals, art exhibitions, or community events happening on May 7th. Explore local listings to see if there are any opportunities to celebrate and engage with your community’s culture and traditions.

Gardening Day: May is a prime time for gardening in many parts of the world. Use May 7th to tend to your garden, plant new flowers or vegetables, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature. You could also visit a botanical garden or participate in a community gardening event.

Literary Day: Dedicate May 7th to literature and reading. Visit a bookstore or library to discover new books, join a book club discussion, or simply spend the day lost in your favorite novel. You could also explore the works of local authors or attend a literary event or reading.

Health and Wellness Day: Take May 7th as an opportunity to focus on your health and well-being. Practice mindfulness or meditation, try a new workout or fitness class, or prepare healthy meals and snacks. You could also schedule a check-up with your healthcare provider or explore alternative wellness practices like yoga or acupuncture.

Volunteer Day: Give back to your community by volunteering your time and talents on May 7th. Look for local volunteer opportunities with organizations that align with your interests and values, whether it’s helping out at a food bank, participating in a beach clean-up, or volunteering at a local animal shelter.

Creativity Day: Embrace your creative side on May 7th. Spend the day painting, drawing, writing, crafting, or engaging in any other creative pursuit that inspires you. You could also take a class or workshop to learn a new artistic skill or technique.

Family Day: Use May 7th as a day to spend quality time with your family. Plan a fun outing or activity together, such as a picnic in the park, a hike, or a board game night. Alternatively, use the day to connect with family members who live far away through phone calls, video chats, or handwritten letters.