Don’t Be a Grouch! Drink Tea!

Oscar the Grouch

Oscar the Grouch Day Oscar the Grouch Day, celebrated on June 1st, is a fun day dedicated to Oscar the Grouch, one of the iconic characters from the beloved children’s television show “Sesame Street.” Oscar is known for his grumpy personality and love of trash. Nail Polish Day National Nail Polish Day is celebrated annually […]

They Can Hear You Coming!

Flip Flop Day National Flip Flop Day is an annual celebration dedicated to the casual, comfortable footwear known as flip flops. This day is observed on the third Friday in June and often marks the unofficial start of summer. The day not only encourages people to wear their favorite flip-flops but also frequently involves charitable […]

How Do You Spell Oolong Tea?

Oolong Tea

Scripps Spelling Bee The Scripps National Spelling Bee is an annual spelling competition held in the United States. It is open to students from across the country, as well as from several other countries around the world. The competition is known for its challenging words, rigorous format, and high-profile finals, which are often televised. Spelling […]