Ninja Day
International Ninja Day, celebrated annually on December 5th, honors the stealth, skills, and mystique of the iconic ninjas of feudal Japan. The day originated in 2003, promoted by Day of the Ninja, a lighthearted campaign created by the parody website Ninja Burger to celebrate the release of the movie The Last Samurai.
Krampusnacht, or Krampus Night, is celebrated annually on December 5th, primarily in Austria, Germany, and other Alpine regions. This festive but eerie tradition centers around Krampus, a mythical, horned creature who acts as a counterpart to Saint Nicholas. While St. Nicholas rewards good children with gifts, Krampus punishes those who have misbehaved by scaring them or giving them lumps of coal.
Here are some notable events that took place on December 5th throughout history:
Notable Events on December 5th
1492: Christopher Columbus became the first European to set foot on the island of Hispaniola (present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic).
1766: The first edition of the Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, an official dictionary of the French language, was published.
1791: Mozart, the famous Austrian composer, died in Vienna at the age of 35.
1933: The 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified, repealing Prohibition by ending the ban on alcohol.
1945: The Flight 19 incident occurred, where a group of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle during a training flight.
1964: The first round of the “Great Society” programs was introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson during a speech at a Washington, D.C., hospital.
1977: The first test flight of the Space Shuttle, known as the Enterprise, took place at Rockwell International in California.
1989: The U.S. House Judiciary Committee approved a bill to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act, signaling a shift in banking regulations.
2013: Nelson Mandela, the former president of South Africa and an anti-apartheid revolutionary, passed away at the age of 95.
1808: Eugène Delacroix, a renowned French painter known for his contributions to the Romantic movement.
1926: Buddy Holly, an influential American singer-songwriter and pioneer of rock and roll.
1960: David Carradine, an American actor known for his roles in film and television, particularly in “Kung Fu.”
1978: Juliette Lewis, an American actress and musician known for her work in films like “Natural Born Killers.”
1791: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the renowned Austrian composer, passed away at the age of 35. His work has had a lasting impact on Western classical music.
1926: Annie Edson Taylor, the first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel, died at the age of 82. She became famous for her daredevil stunt.
1969: James Thomas “Jimmy” Hoffa, the American labor union leader and president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Although his body was never found, he is often associated with this date.
2013: Nelson Mandela, the former President of South Africa and an iconic leader in the fight against apartheid, died at the age of 95. He is celebrated globally for his role in promoting peace and reconciliation.
2017: Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel and known for Moore’s Law, passed away. His contributions to technology and computing are widely recognized.
2020: Jorge N. Arango, a prominent Cuban artist and a key figure in the development of modern Cuban art, passed away.