The Sweet History of Chocolate Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Chocolate Ice Cream Day is celebrated annually on June 7th. This day is dedicated to enjoying one of the most beloved and classic flavors of ice cream.


VCR Day, or Video Cassette Recorder Day, is observed on June 7th each year. This day celebrates the invention and impact of the VCR, a device that revolutionized home entertainment by allowing people to record and watch television shows and movies at their convenience.

Harney & Sons

Significant Historical Events on June 7th

1494: Treaty of Tordesillas
The Treaty of Tordesillas was signed between Spain and Portugal, dividing the newly discovered lands outside Europe between them along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands, off the west coast of Africa.

1628: The Petition of Right
The English Parliament passed the Petition of Right, a major constitutional document that set out specific liberties of the subject that the king was prohibited from infringing.

1654: Louis XIV Becomes King of France
Louis XIV, also known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, began his reign as King of France at the age of four after the death of his father, Louis XIII.

1892: Benjamin Harrison Becomes the First U.S. President to Attend a Baseball Game
President Benjamin Harrison attended a baseball game between the Washington Senators and the Cincinnati Reds, becoming the first sitting president to do so.

1942: Battle of Midway Ends
The Battle of Midway, a decisive naval battle fought between the United States and the Empire of Japan during World War II, ended in a victory for the Allies. The battle marked a turning point in the Pacific War.

1975: The Apple I Computer Goes on Sale
The Apple I, the first product of Apple Inc., went on sale. It was designed and hand-built by Steve Wozniak, and the sale of the Apple I marked the beginning of Apple’s success in the personal computer industry.

1981: Israeli Air Force Destroys Iraq’s Nuclear Reactor
In Operation Opera, the Israeli Air Force bombed and destroyed the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq, which was believed to be developing nuclear weapons.

Notable Birthdays on June 7th

1848: Paul Gauguin
French post-impressionist artist known for his experimental use of color and bold style. He was a leading figure in the Symbolist movement.

1909: Virginia Apgar
American obstetrical anesthetist and medical researcher who developed the Apgar Score, a quick and simple assessment of newborn vitality.

1952: Liam Neeson
Northern Irish actor known for his roles in films such as “Schindler’s List,” “Taken,” and “The Dark Knight Rises.”

1958: Prince
American musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer known for his eclectic work, flamboyant stage presence, and wide vocal range. He was one of the most influential musicians of his era.